Foreign Return


The return of the word foreign in our lives  could not have been  more prominent  as it has over the last few weeks  causing much alarm in the headlines and to the forehead lines. Be it black money in swiss banks , scam money being routed overseas , impact of the US depression and European financial crisis making the Sensex whine and Gold shine  . Then ,the sudden illness , of the Congress  president Sonia Gandhi , requiring an immediate operation in the US , leaving  the headless Congress government exposed to an unprecedented  public  backlash on  the framing of the Lokpal Bill with  the purpose of  routing out corruption from the root . In fact  the foreign angle was even made in  political allegations by immature Congress politicians alleging that activist Anna hazare ‘s fight against corruption was being instigated by America   

So why the sudden upsurge against governments – be it Egypt , America and now  India all within a space of a few weeks. Firstly , globalisation . It has its thrills but also its ills .. No doubt it brings better understanding , appreciation and utilisation of the world resources  and spreads awareness . But it also spreads problems. An out break of a financial illness in the US becomes an epidemic  in  Europe and then gives fever to the Asian countries . What rises then is inflation , fear ,anger  and gold prices and what falls is growth and equity valuations   Given that there is only that much of food  in the world jungle even the lions like China and emerging ones like India would sooner or later have to starve should there be a prolonged recession. .   Secondly its  the recession itself.  It has resulted  lower growth and lower income. On the other side you have high inflation and means higher expenses. Controls  attempted  through monetary  tools like hiking interest rates means higher mortgages . So, savings evaporate . Empty bank balances and empty stomachs fill you with wrath . Jobs disappear as frustrations appear . The mind goes idle and starts getting idealistic and starts making impractical demands. The blame game begins . For the common man the  government becomes the  common enemy . Dormant  issues come to life and masses unite to fight . History will tell you that recessions and  civil uprising upsurge go hand in hand  and often hand in glove . Then  Life often comes a full circle at a Tahrir Square

But the most stunning reference of the foreign hand has been in teh Anna hazare movment . Coming as it may as an immature political response by the Congress  alleging a conspiracy it does by default have a very mature underlining . There is no doubt that Anna Hazare’s movement has the backing of a strong foreign hand . Consider this . The current crisis in the west will mean higher flow of capital and people to  high growth countries like India . To enable this the Indian administration must make itself credible , transparent and corruption free . Then, India  continues to get younger (number of youth increasing) more educated and aspirational will confront a new wave of competition and put pressure on the government  for more participative policy to cater to future demands. Money stolen and parked overseas  will have to be driven back  to fund expansion and growth .Government arrogance and high handedness will not be tolerated ,as we see in the  support to the  Anna Hazare movement . The balance sheet will have to be tallied with accountability .  

In the days of yore foreign return was a tag of privilege attached to someone who had fortune of travelling overseas. He was man who was certainly fortunate and mostly one of fortune . Chances that he was returning with more fortune was also high. Today , too the fortunes remain . Except that his return comes  with reason to make it here rather than get it here . They are foreign return – previously they returned  with goods. Now they may return for good

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